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A Fresh Voice in Texas News

Honest Austin is a locally owned, independent media startup based in Austin, Texas. Before diving into our news, take a moment to learn about our purpose and vision.

Civic purpose. We publish breaking news, analysis, and viewpoints about state and local government. Our journalism improves accountability for political leaders, draws attention to neglected issues, and fosters intelligent public discourse.

Additionally, we cover business news because a thriving business sector is critical to a healthy society. It’s what keeps our houses powered, our families fed, our cars fueled, our hospitals supplied, and so much more.

Good business reporting isn’t just about what’s going on at businesses themselves — their big wins and losses, their innovations and investments — it’s also about the impacts that they have on the broader society.

Our Approach to Journalism

Bias and objectivity. Journalists often prefer to see themselves as neutral and above the fray — dispassionate observers whose role is to report “just the facts.” While reporting the facts is indeed part of what journalists do, there’s more to journalism than “just the facts.” Journalism involves making numerous value judgments, including deciding whether to talk about an issue at all, picking who to interview, deciding which quotations or data to use, and choosing an angle and a headline.

These value judgments make journalists not mere observers but also political voices in their own right. Our approach at Honest Austin is to embrace that and to acknowledge it frankly. While we strive to be fair and accurate, we don’t think it’s particularly helpful – or honest – to cling to a pretense of “non-bias” or “objectivity.”

Truth, not power. Our journalism doesn’t serve a particular political party. We welcome readers of all persuasions, while acknowledging that we approach our trade with our own biases. Our political coverage tends to reflect perspectives that are centrist, center-left, or moderately conservative.

Tortoise and the hare. Speed matters in journalism, but it’s not the only thing that matters. It’s also important to get the facts right, and to provide necessary context. And sometimes it’s better not to touch a story at all; all too often, the hot topic today turns out to be a mere distraction.

Avoid sensationalism. In journalism, trust is hard-won and easily lost. A viral story might result in some quick overnight gains, but that quickly fades, and can’t be replicated often. We aim to be hard-hitting and straightforward in our reporting, but not sensational or misleading. Our growth strategy is one of patient incrementalism.

Complement, not replace. Austin has a lot of news outlets. Our aim isn’t to replicate their work, but to focus on unreported stories and offer fresh insights and unique angles on current events. As the saying goes, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Off-platform. While we use social media to reach new and existing customers, we offer our core product — reported news and thoughtful opinion — on our own website. Sign up for our free email newsletter to get updates. If you don’t like it, unsubscribe any time.

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Have Something to Share?

If you represent a business, government entity, civic organization, or political campaign, we may be interested in hearing from you. Drop us an email to introduce yourself, or send us a press release. You can also write to us at PO Box 203761, Austin, TX 78720.


Honest Austin is committed to a robust practice of correcting mistakes and maintaining high standards of accuracy. If you would like to recommend or request a correction please write to us. Notices of correction typically will be appended to the bottom or top of stories, when they occur.


Honest Austin is reader-funded. We offer a limited number of articles for free to the general public, while others are accessible only to paying subscribers. You can support our work by signing up for a monthly digital subscription.